Legal advice

In accordance with article 10 of Spanish Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we make the following data available to you:

Company name:
Tax identification number:
Registered office:
620 93 22 35

This website has been created by GRUPO MIRAALMERIA for informational purposes and for the personal use of users. Through this Legal Notice, it is intended to regulate the access and use of this website, as well as the relationship between the website and its users. By accessing this website, the following terms and conditions are accepted: Access to this website is the exclusive responsibility of the users.

The simple access to this website does not imply any type of commercial relationship between GRUPO MIRAALMERIA and the user.
Access and navigation on this website implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein. The owner of the website can offer services or products that may be subject to their own particular conditions that, depending on the case, replace, complete and/or modify these conditions, and about which the user will be informed in each specific case.

In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), the user is informed that all the data provided to us will be incorporated into a file, created and maintained under the responsibility of the GRUPO MIRAALMERIA.

The confidentiality of your personal data will always be respected and will only be used for the purpose of managing the services offered, attending to the requests you make, performing administrative tasks, as well as sending technical, commercial or advertising information by ordinary or electronic means. .

To exercise your rights of opposition, rectification or cancellation you must go to the headquarters of the company in CRIPTÓN, 13, 04120, ALMERÍA, or write to the following email or call us at 620 93 22 35.

The conditions of access and use of this website are governed by current legislation and by the principle of good faith, the user committing himself to make good use of the website. Conduct that goes against the law, the rights or interests of third parties is not allowed.

Ser usuario de esta web implica que reconoce haber leído y aceptado las presentes condiciones y lo que las extienda la normativa legal aplicable en esta materia. Si por el motivo que fuere no está de acuerdo con estas condiciones no continúe utilizando esta web.

Any type of notification and / or claim will only be valid by written notification and / or certified mail.

GRUPO MIRAALMERIA is not responsible for the information and content stored in forums, social networks or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently on the provider’s website.

However, taking into account art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, GRUPO MIRAALMERIAundertakes to withdraw or, where appropriate, block those contents that could affect or contravene national or international legislation, rights of third parties or morality and public order.

Nor will the company be held responsible for any damages caused by failures or misconfigurations of the software installed on the Internet user’s computer. Any responsibility for any technical incident or failure that occurs when the user connects to the internet is excluded. Likewise, the absence of interruptions or errors in accessing the website is not guaranteed.

Likewise, GRUPO MIRAALMERIA reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained on its website, as well as its configuration or presentation, at any time, without assuming any responsibility for it.

GRUPO MIRAALMERIA is the owner of all the rights to the software of the digital publication, as well as the industrial and intellectual property rights referring to the contents that are included, with the exception of the rights to products and services of a public nature that are not the property of this business.

No material published on this website may be reproduced, copied or published without the written consent of GRUPO MIRAALMERIA.

All information received on the web, such as comments, suggestions or ideas, will be considered transferred to GRUPO MIRAALMERIA free of charge. No information should be sent that cannot be treated in this way.

All products and services on these pages that are NOT owned by GRUPO MIRAALMERIA are registered trademarks of their respective owners and are recognized as such by our company. They only appear on the website of GRUPO MIRAALMERIA for the purposes of promotion and information collection. These owners may request the modification or deletion of the information that belongs to them.

These general conditions are governed by Spanish law. For any litigation that may arise related to the website or the activity that takes place therein, the Courts of Almería will be competent, the user expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction that may correspond to him.

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Estas cookies permiten que el sitio web ofrezca una mejor funcionalidad y personalización. Pueden ser establecidas por nosotros o por terceros cuyos servicios hemos agregado a nuestras páginas. Si no permite estas cookies, es posible que algunos o todos estos servicios no funcionen correctamente.

Estas cookies son necesarias para que el sitio web funcione y no se pueden desactivar en nuestros sistemas. Por lo general, solo se configuran en respuesta a acciones realizadas por usted que equivalen a una solicitud de servicios, como configurar sus preferencias de privacidad, iniciar sesión o completar formularios. Puede configurar su navegador para que bloquee o le avise sobre estas cookies, pero algunas partes del sitio no funcionarán. Estas cookies no almacenan ninguna información de identificación personal.

Estas cookies pueden estar en todo el sitio web, colocadas por nuestros socios publicitarios. Estos negocios pueden utilizarlas para crear un perfil de sus intereses y mostrarle anuncios relevantes en otros sitios. No almacenan información personal directamente, sino que se basan en la identificación única de su navegador y dispositivo de acceso al Internet. Si no permite estas cookies, tendrá menos publicidad dirigida.

Estas cookies nos permiten contar las visitas y las fuentes de tráfico para poder medir y mejorar el rendimiento de nuestro sitio. Nos ayudan a saber qué páginas son las más o menos populares y a ver cuántas personas visitan el sitio. Toda la información que recogen estas cookies es agregada y, por lo tanto, anónima. Si no permite estas cookies, no sabremos cuándo ha visitado nuestro sitio y no podremos supervisar su rendimiento.