Rent sensibly in Almeria

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Rent sensibly

To rent a home it is advisable not to go in a hurry, and to know perfectly the conditions we are looking for. In addition, to set limits regarding the rental of the apartment. In addition, the apartment must meet the minimum characteristics we expect, in terms of location, services, orientation, dimensions and, of course, the rental price of the house. Obviously, it is very important to consider our ability to pay the rent of the apartment. Setting a maximum price is an indispensable task. Getting informed is an important step.

There is much more information that is interesting to collect before renting the house. In the property registry you will find data about the landlord, so you can consult the conditions of the lease. At the time of visiting the house you can monitor all the details that will affect us in daily life, such as the state of the electricity, water and gas installations. Surely the time is presented to make an inventory with all the objects that make up the home, to record the current situation of the house.

The owner of the apartment for rent obviously wants to be protected against a possible irregularity that occurs in the contract. To protect yourself from these situations there are a series of formulas to which the tenant is accepted. The most common being to deposit a deposit that covers the rental time of one month. With this security, the damages that could be observed at the moment of abandonment of the house are covered.

Also, to prevent possible delays in payment by the tenant, a guarantee or a copy of the payroll is usually requested for a specific amount. This payment is usually several monthly payments, so that the owner could face an unforeseen abandonment of the apartment.

And finally, some series of rights and obligations contemplated:

  • Payment of the deposit
    • For rent it is mandatory and its amount is one month. Housing rental has been imposed in recent years, especially among young people. But to avoid problems, the rental of a flat must be done with the greatest possible guarantees, both by the tenant and the owner. For this reason, when looking for a flat for rent you have to take into account a series of tips.
  • Home Conservation Repairs
    • are at the owner’s expense. Instead. The repairs originated by the daily use of the apartment are in charge of the tenant.
  • The rental time
    • It is stipulated in 5 years, unless another period is indicated in the contract.

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